
YCIS-BJ Year 13s are Back on Campus! | 北京耀中13年级返校!

With eLearning entering its fourth month, our seniors finally returned to our downtown campus thoroughly prepared for their first day on Monday, April 27th. Several government officials, members of the Balizhuang Community, YCIS Beijing Academic and Support Staff were all eagerly waiting for the students to be back in the classrooms since the School closure in January. 

Press play to watch one of our students follow our "entering campus" procedure.


Students' Reactions

The first day back was a little different, with only the Year 13s receiving the go-ahead to have face to face lessons and having to follow strict social distancing rules, however, this was still a welcome effort by students.

Jason Cheung

"Being back felt quite different, because I received a lot of attention when I arrived at school. I also needed to do a lot of body temperature checks and sit at least one meter from my classmates for safety."

Yuji Shiozuka

"My first impression of coming back was how the security treated me and the importance given to safety when returning to school. They prepared many things like checking the temperature and safety equipment"

Amy Yin

"[The first day] has been an enjoyable experience. Being able to leave my house, enter a physical learning environment and seeing the people I haven't seen for several months"

Satomi Jimbo

"Although many students are still away, seeing many teachers made me feel very happy."

Teachers Reactions

For teachers, having students back on campus was a breath of fresh air. After weeks of eLearning and being on campus without any learners, having some students physically in the classroom made a significant difference. 

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Press play to watch Farah Sun - Vice Principal, Head of Secondary’s thoughts on the first day back on campus.

With the successful start to the week on Monday, the school is already making further preparations for the second cohort of students who will be taking classes on campus from the 11th May. "We will ensure that the schedules of both groups do not clash. They will not meet during their breaks and their classrooms will be separated as well." assured Amber Dang, EA to the School Leadership Team. Except for the above, the stipulated guidelines by the government will be followed.

Plans for the Upcoming Weeks

According to Miss Gupta, the upcoming weeks will be dedicated to exam revision and later exams. "These are internal exams because IBDP grading is going to be different, and the YCIS Diploma will be based on these exams. These results will also help UGO to back our students for their university offers"

Soon after that preparations for a possible virtual graduation will be made and students will be completing their CAS portfolios and doing the CAS exit interviews as well.

In preparation for university, YCIS-BJ University Guidance Office will host weekly transition workshops to get the students ready for university life.

Many of the Year 13s would like to have the rest of their classmates on campus to resume with regular banter like in Peter Qin's case "I'm stuck with only Yuji right now, so please come to campus. I hope you can join us soon!" he joked.

We hope to see the rest of the Class of 2020 on-campus soon as they bid adieu to their teachers and classmates!




Jason Cheung


Yuji Shiozuka


Amy Yin


Satomi Jimbo




Jonathan Mellen—大学升学顾问

“最精彩的是我们的远程视频大会,由我们的双校长Tim Gray博士和汪小瑞博士主持。很高兴他们回来了,其他老师也在网上进行了发言。我把这看作是一个里程碑,第一步是让一切回到以前的样子。

Prachi Gupata—12–13年级学习社区负责人和IB课程主管


Daniel Abitbol


Damion Walker—中学数学教师







很多13年级的学生都希望自己的同学能继续和他们一起玩耍,就像Peter Qin说的那样:“我现在只能和Yuji在一起玩,所以请回到学校来吧。我希望你们能尽快加入我们!”


YCIS-BJ Receives Approval to Reopen on Monday | 北京耀中获准于下周一复课

Outstanding University Offers to YCIS & YWIES Class of 2020

Transitioning Back to School | 准备重返校园

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